Putting on a socially distanced pantomime is completely new for us here at Made To Measure Productions. We understand that there are probably many questions which you have regarding how the show will work, what changes we are implementing to follow government guidelines and what this means for you.
If you have any other questions and for all press enquires, please contact: brandon@madetomeasureproductions.co.uk
How long is the show?
Doors to the auditorium will open 45mins before the advertised show time to take your seats and get ready for the fun! The show itself will last for around 80mins. Show times can be found by clicking here!
How will the audience be socially distanced in our seats?
We have been working hard to ensure that all audience members will be sat with social distancing measures in place. When you booked your tickets, you will have noticed that the seating plan has sections available for your party only! Once you have booked your tickets, all seats surrounding that area will be removed from sale. Audience members are sat either end of the row, meaning you do not need to cross to go to the toilet, leaving a space behind and infront. Every second row will have nobody on the ends, but one "bubble" in the middle of the row. This means you have plenty of room around you to feel safe.
What is the limit of people allowed in per performance?
The Weymouth Pavilion has limited the capacity of the theatre to 450 to enable social distancing.
How will social distancing be enforced throughout the venue?
Signage will be present reminding people that social distancing is in place. Ushers will be present to ensure that this is maintained. The audience will be asked to remain in their seats after the show and ushers will then ask people to leave row by row. This is to combat the after show rush that is usually experienced.
Will there be an interval?
“Rapunzel" is an 80 performance without an interval. During the pre-show entertainment, you will be permitted to use the toilet facilities and purchase refreshments.
What hygiene measures will you be taking to ensure that we will be safe?
Hand sanitising stations will be placed throughout the venue and audience members will be regularly encouraged to wash their hands. The Weymouth Pavilion have spent tens of thousands of pounds to have state of the art equipment installed.
- We now have four filters in the auditorium (two upstairs and two down) which are constantly running, even when the auditorium is occupied. The Air-filters are used to clean and sterilise the air by using UV-C germicidal technology ensuring the air you breathe is protected from bacteria and virus risk.
- The Ozone Machine is used once the auditorium is cleared and the filters are turned off. The Ozonator is designed for commercial environments and uses a UVC technology which drives airflow through the decontamination chamber, neutralising bacteria, viruses, pollen and odours. The Ozone machine eradicates viruses and bacteria and sterilises everything it touches with UVC and Ozone technology; these machines have been used for many years to sterilise hospitals, operating theatres and surgical instruments so you can trust that the auditorium is sterilised to the highest standard!
- The fogging machine is designed to clean and sanitise large areas quickly and effectively and can kill off viruses and other biological agents in the air and on surfaces.
Do I have to wear a mask?
It is mandatory to wear a mask at the Weymouth Pavilion unless you are medically exempt or under the age of 11.
Will programmes and merchandise be available?
Of course! All merchandise will still be in their packaging and programmes will be available for purchase to remember this years unique Pantomime!
Can I buy my ticket on the door?
We would highly recommend that tickets are booked in advance. Subject to availability, there may be tickets available to purchase from the Weymouth Pavilion Box Office
How can I book tickets?
Tickets are available via the Weymouth Pavilion website (www.weymouthpavilion.com). You can also call 01305 783225 to book tickets.
Who should I include in my booking?
You should book a ticket for each person in your household and each household should have their own booking. This will allow us to carry out the event in the safest possible way.
Is the event suitable for those in wheelchairs?
Absolutely! Our staff and volunteers will be on hand to make your experience as stress-free as possible. Please ensure when booking you book to sit in the wheelchair space as these are limited.
All procedures and policies are subject to change based on government guidelines at the time.
Although "the supplier" (Made To Measure Productions and Weymouth Pavilion) will be adopting enhanced safety measures to help attendees stay safe, the risk cannot be completely eliminated. Upon attending an event, you assume all risk associated with Covid-19 (unless in any way caused by the negligence of "the supplier").
You will also be expected to:
Abide by all government guidance aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus (details of which can be accessed via the following link https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus) and follow all directions provided by "the supplier" and its Event staff and security stewards. You must not attend an event if you believe that you may have been infected by Covid-19.
Failure to comply with these measures shall entitle "the supplier" to eject you from the event.
All events are all subject to the latest Government guidance rules to manage the transmission of Covid-19. All customers and staff are expected to adhere to the guidance.
The following individuals MUST NOT ATTEND the event;
Any individual displaying the symptoms of Covid-19 (New persistent cough, High temperature, Loss of taste or smell)
Any individual who is self-isolating either due to displaying symptoms as above for 7 days, or any member of their household who is self-isolating for 14 days. Any individual who has been instructed by the relevant contact tracing authority to isolate.
We ADVISE the following individuals NOT TO ATTEND the event;
Any individual who has been informed that they are extremely clinically vulnerable and that they should be shielding. Individuals who live in the same household as an individual who is extremely clinically vulnerable.